Tuesday, August 9, 2005


I am the world champion of procrastination.

I swear, I need a to-do list every day so I can get stuff done that I want to get done. I can, quite literally, mess around all day, with an end result that nothing has been accomplished for the whole, entire, day, or week, or month.

Some of it is pure laziness.

Some if it is avoidance. Yeah, there's stuff I need to do, that I don't want to do - so I mess around, until it's too late to do it. Every day.

Case in point?

Doctor's Appointment.

With the fact that I now have a full-time, paying job with actual medical benefits comes the fact that I really should get myself a doctor's appointment and get a physical. I haven't had one in at least 5 years. I've been procrastinating this since September 2004, which was when I actually got the job, that gave me the benefits, etc.

Why don't I want to do this? Cause I don't want to hear what they'll say, although, realistically, I already know.

What'll the doctor say?

"You need to lose weight, you're in the dangerously overweight area." - Like this is a big newsflash.

"Your cholesterol is high." - Ditto the above.

So, the question becomes, WHY am I avoiding this?? It's not like I don't already know these things, or that I'm fooling everyone into thinking I'm really skinny when I'm not.

Sometimes, I really feel frustrated with myself.


  1. Shellee, I love reading your blog! It's just like your in my head!!

  2. i am the biggest procrastinator in the whole wide world. not you its me. i've worked very hard at obtaining and i plan to maintain my position. just kidding.
    man, doesn't it suck to be a procrastinator though.
    i can't get to work on time, i'm late to appointments, my son gets to school late (but i'm gonna be good with this new school year)
    pray for me and i will you.
    pray for me, and i'll pray for you.
