Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So, I've been on Eharmony for a while now trying to find someone to date. This is because, apparently, I cannot seem to find someone by myself and I need help.

What I find really annoying about Eharmony is that they send you about 10 emails a day along the lines of "Meet Jeff - he's looking for you!" or "Barry might be your special match!"

Honestly, I don't want that many emails from Eharmony. In fact, all I want is if someone wants to contact me. I really think that a lot of the profiles they send are from people who are not subscribed. How do I know? Because I've had a LOT of profiles over the past month or so when I wasn't signed on. So... the question is - how many of these people are actually available? The answer? We will never know because certainly Eharmony won't tell you.

On the other hand, I had a date today and the guy is really nice, so - maybe it's worth while after all.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Cleaning House

Why is it so, so hard to keep my place in some sort of order? You know those stories of elves that go around fixing things up and making everything nice?

I have Evil Elves. I swear that my place was only a 5 on the messy scale when I left last Friday. When I got back home, it was a 9. How Did That Happen? Evil Elves. I'm telling you.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I went to a math conference this weekend which was very interesting. I learned some new stuff to take back to the classroom, although who knows how effective it will really be - but I had fun and That is What Counts.

The thing that wasn't so hot was the fact that the Hyatt Regency where I stayed (Note: Do Not let other people make your hotel reservations) does not have free internet access. Not only are they charging you $$$ for the room, they then want to extort (and yes, it is extortion since there are no other options) $10 per day for internet access.

Can you say withdrawal? It's spelled N-O-W-I-F-I

Officially going to cross Hyatt Regency off my preferred hotel list, that's for sure.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Experiment: a test, trial, or tentative procedure; an act or operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown or of testing a principle, supposition, etc.

I'm currently teaching mathematics at the high school level, but I really am discovering that even though I thought that this would be my Ultimate Dream Career well, it's not.

So, in the last week or so, I've decided to explore something else I've wanted to see if I could make work for a long time. That is, to be a clothing designer/artist. Create shibori dyed fabric, and design clothes and other accessories that people will pay insane amounts of money to have, cause I will be so awesome at it.

As a first step, I ordered **cough** almost $1000 worth of dye and silk from Dharma Trading. This company has just about everything you need. Note that I said just about everything. After MUCH agonizing I decided to go with the French Silk Dupont Dyes. On the information, it says the dyes are concentrated and should be diluted before use. So, got 11 bottles of different colors (which were NOT cheap) and looked in vain for the instructions for use. No instructions. Called up Dharma and said, "What's up?"

In reply I got "Instructions, smuctions - just do what you want!"

This was a little (okay hugely) scary as I really don't want to waste one drop of this dye. It's kinda like watching money wash down the drain. So, been experimenting and what I've found is that the really best color is obtained by using the dye full strength (of course). So, figuring I'm going to order something else next time, cause if I'm just going to use it full strength I should just go with something more economical.