Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Sometimes, we get so focused on what we don't have that we forget to be grateful for what we do have.

As a very large person, someone carrying over 100+ extra pounds around, I find myself always looking at people who seem to be thinner/fitter than I am, and I want to be there. I forget to feel happy with what I can do right now, and I only focus on what I can't do.

I went walking with my friend D last evening. She is shorter, thinner, and seems a lot more graceful than I am. Next to her I feel like a huge elephantine person. This is only what I'm seeing though. Her view was different.

She told me that she wished she was tall, like I am because sometimes, being short is not all that great.

She told me she can't swim.

She told me she can't run, because she has a bad back.

She told me she is pre-diabetic, so she really has to watch what she eats so that she doesn't fall over the edge. She has a family history of diabetes.

I realized something. Yeah, I'm overweight. Yeah, I need to lose weight.


I'm healthy, I can do things she can't do, and I do really like being tall.

I think it's important to remember to be happy with who we are and what we can do right now. I think it's easy to lose sight of this in our constant rush to improve ourselves.

My body can pretty much do whatever I want it to, and that, in itself, is a gift. So many people can't.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right!! Keep up the good work, and thanks for remiding me too. Sometimes it's so easy to think that you are "less than" because we don't fit our ideal of what we want to be.
