Sunday, September 11, 2005

Growing Up

Adult: One that has arrived at full development or maturity especially in size, strength, or intellectual capacity.

I only see my kids every other weekend (they chose to go live with the ex), and I didn't see them at all for the month of August, as that was the ex's summer month. This weekend was the first time I've seen them since July 31.

My son is taller than I am.

Now, my daughter has been taller than me for quite some time, but suddenly standing next to my son and realizing that I have to look up to meet his eyes was somewhat of a shock. I knew this moment was coming though, as we were exactly the same height in July, and he has been on a huge growth spurt ever since last September. This whole last year, every time I saw him, I could swear he'd grown an inch.


This was the first time I've had to look UP at him.

It made me sad because I realized that they are both growing up and while I will always think of them as my little kids, that is not who they are anymore.

On the other hand, they have both turned into very cool people in their own right, and I am so proud that they are my kids.

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