Triumph: To be victorious or successful; win.
I have succeeded. After much frustration, the bike commuting plan finally came to fruition today. I got out of the house early enough, I was organized enough and, gosh darn it, I wanted it badly enough.
16 miles, one way. It felt great to be moving along under my own power this morning. It took me a little over an hour to get to work, from the Park and Ride Lot. I felt great getting there. However, being there, at school, at 7:40 am, with all the students and staff was not such a great feeling.
I just felt really weird about anybody I knew seeing me arrive at work on my bike. Along the lines of, "Oh no, if anyone sees me, they'll think I look stupid!" which IS stupid. I mean, who cares? I'm not doing this to impress anyone, but I snuck into my building like a sneak thief anyway. Of course, a whole lot of students saw me, but they don't count. Just people I know.
I guess I'll know I've arrived as a bike commuter when I don't care if people see me or not.
I've determined that the other main requirement is that I can bike home as fast as I bike to work, which I failed at miserably today. It was a LOT harder going home. Of course, having a headwind the Whole Entire Way did not help one little bit.
I had a junior high teaching who ran in the gym every morning to lose weight (this was almost 30 yrs ago). I still admire his persistence and remember him for this... When I see anyone working out - I think "I wish that was me." It's a positive!