Saturday, February 7, 2009

Teacher Orientation - date: 08/2005

This is my second year as a teacher. Last year, I had to go to new Teacher Orientation where we would learn Very Important New Teacher Things. So, I went. And, I did learn a few things, the main one being, it was extremely boring. But, I did get a nice bag out of the deal. My Mom told me, get used to it. Then she showed me her Bag Shelf. Cause, they don't really pay you very much, so to distract you, they give you a nice bag instead.

Teacher: "So, what's the pay scale?"
District: "Hey, want a bag?"

I'm doing the same exact job I did last year, in the same exact district, in the same exact school.

Got that?

So, a couple of weeks ago I'm talking to personnel, and we are discussing how I need to sign the contract and get it back to them by August 29. Then...

District: "Oh, you need to go to New Teacher Orientation."
Me: "But I went last year."
District: "Well, you need to go again, cause now you are an Officially Credentialed Teacher, which starts your Official Employment with the District."

Me: "Ok - I guess." (Thinking - this makes NO sense. At all.)

So, I went. And, I have to say as an Official Teacher vs. last year, when I guess I was really a Phantom Teacher or maybe just a Practice Teacher, it was just as boring as before.

But, I got a nice bag. In fact, it looks suspiciously like the bag I got last year.

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