Saturday, February 21, 2009

Losing my Wallet

So, I'm getting ready to go out today after having a nice long sleep-in this morning where I looked at the clock occasionally, decided I was still too tired, rolled over and went back to sleep.

Finally, made it out of bed around 11 am.

Decide that I really should go swimming.

Get stuff together.

I'm ready to go. Keys - check. Phone - check. Wallet? No wallet. Start looking for wallet. Can't find it. Wander through house turning over things, looking inside of other things - even things that I KNOW the wallet will NOT be in such as the bathtub. Why I think it will be in the bathtub, I have no idea, and why I have to keep looking in there as if the wallet will magically appear, I don't know.

Think - maybe I left it in the car. Go down to car. Look through car, and as a sidenote, clean up all trash etc. in car at the same time. No wallet.

Go back to house. Look again. Still can't find it anywhere. And yes, I did check the bathtub again because who knows? It might have been in there, even though it wasn't the 2335 times before.

Finally, just go swimming and of course, start thinking about buying groceries etc. and then remind myself that I have no wallet. At this point, I'm starting to think about calling the bank and reporting my cards lost, etc. but I KNOW that I had it last night and I KNOW the wallet couldn't have got up and walked away on it's own. So, I go home and repeat process of the morning. Still nothing.

Finally, open up the fridge to get a snack, and there is my wallet. In the fridge.

Yes, I did put some stuff in the fridge last night, but how and why my wallet ended up in the fridge as well is a mystery to me. And yes folks, that was my day today.

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