Man, I'm struggling on the lace knitting. I just can't seem to HOLD ON to the laceweight yarn. It keeps escaping my grasp. I've got to figure out a different way to hold it so that I can be somewhat successful in knitting with it.
I'm on row 12 of Muir and it has taken me at least 4 hours to get that far. I had to cast-on twice. I tried the provisional cast-on but I kept losing stitches the first row with all the yarn over's and SSK's. I'd be trying to get it and all of a sudden I'd have a big loop of yarn instead of stitches. So, re-did the cast on as a crochet cast-on which took approximately ummm... forever but did work better.
Then the stitch markers. Since this is my first major lace pattern I thought stitch markers would be a really good idea to mark the repeats. But, but, but since the increases/decreases move in diagonal sort've waves I have to keep moving them every few rows. The first couple of times it happened, I obsessively undid and recounted to make sure all stitches were there and they were - just that there was one more dec than inc BEFORE the stitch marker. Kinda driving me crazy.
I thought that not needing to have this done until June 26 (friend's wedding) was plenty of time but... maybe not.
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