Monday, August 9, 2004

Resting, blah...

I've been sick this week, so, no training going on. What I hate is when you feel like you're progressing in your training and then you fall ill. You HAVE to rest, or you'll just get more and more sick, until you are forced to rest. At least, this is how it works for me. I know there are some who train through colds, but I can't do that. I've tried, and all that happens is that my workouts aren't good and I feel like crap.

So, I'm resting.

Resting is good.


This is all the fault of the race I did last Sunday. I actually had a sore throat and earache as soon as I finished the race. If you can say "stress your immune system" you get a blue ribbon. So, not only did I experience muscle recovery, but now I'm going through cold recovery. I guess my body just wanted a reason to be lazy this week.

Speaking of the race: As I am putting some distance in between myself and this race, I am feeling better about how I did. This is due in no small part to friends and various people that I know only through the wonders of the internet. It's amazing that you can go out there and write a message about how you totally lost it in your race and so many people will be so supportive. It's easy to beat yourself up about how you could have done better. Maybe the fact is, you gave it 100% on that day. Last Sunday, I gave it 100%. I didn't quit. I left everything I had on the race course, and really what else is there?

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