I've now done this about 5 times. 16 miles to work and 16 miles back to where I parked my car. I honestly love it. It seems like such an easy way to workout. I mean, I have to go to work anyway, why not ride my bike?
There is a multi-use trail that goes right by where I work. So I drive to the trailhead, get my bike out and ride. I have to go to work anyway, right?
Usually I ride on the roads, and riding on the trail just feels so luxurious. There are no cars to contend with, and the pavement is much smoother than the road. Also, most of the trail bypasses major intersections and it is a greenbelt, so it's scenic too. It is just a pleasure.
Except for the squirrels.
I've decided that squirrels are suicidal. In the morning, they're sleeping but when I'm coming back in the afternoon, they are sitting there by the side of the path, trying to look casual. As I ride by them, and, in fact, I am past them, they will suddenly decide that the OTHER side of the path is where they need to be. Right Now. And, they must get there in front of my bike. So, as I'm peacefully riding along a kamikaze squirrel will race me diagonally and then dive in front of my wheel, while uttering a squirrel yell of Death Before Dishonor.
So far everyone has survived, but how long can this go on? I ask you.